
Showing posts from March, 2017

Computer Awareness (First Test)

Computer Awareness (First Test) 1 - Second Generation computers were developed during a.1949 to 1955                 b.1959 to 1965                          c.1960 to 1965                 d.1970 to 1990 2 - Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers a. First Generation                 b.Second Generation               c.Third Generation              d. Fourth Generation 3- Which of the following memories has the shortest access time? A. Cache memory         ...

Computer Awareness

1 - Which electronic components are used in Fourth Generation Computers ? A.      Transistors B.      Integrated Circuits C.      Vacuum Tubes D.     VLSI Microprocessor E.       ULSI Microprocessor 2- FORTRAN stands for __________. For Translation Format Transformation Fork Transformation Formula Translation 3- What was the name of first computer designed by Charlse Babbage ? Analytical Engine Difference Engine Colossus ENIAC 4- Which was the first electronics digital programmable computing device ? Analytical Engine Difference Engine Colossus ENIAC 5- EDVAC stands for __________. Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Calculator Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer Electronic Data Variable Automatic Calculator Electronic Data Variable Automatic Computer 6- Which of the following memories needs refreshing? A) SRAM B) DRAM...